CFP: Management & Organizational History Special issue call for papers: Imperialism and Coloniality in Management and Organization History

Reblogged from The Past Speaks:

The Past Speaks


As a recent blog post by Andrew Dilley has shown, nostalgia for the days of the British Empire and the associated imperial trading system has informed the current debate in the UK over #Brexit. It is, therefore, a good time for business historians to think about Business and Empire. I am therefore very happy to promote the CFP for a special issue of Management & Organizational History on this subject. The deadline is 16 December. The guest editors of the SI are Simon Mollan and Bill Cooke, both of the University of York Management School (here in the UK).


The ongoing dialogue about the role that history can play in the formation of organization theory, and the role that organization theory can and does play in management and organization history (Maclean, Harvey, and Clegg 2015; Rowlinson, Hassard, and Decker 2014; Taylor, Bell, and Cooke 2009; Clark and Rowlinson…

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