Seminar 5

Nostalgia, Emotions & Organizational History

Wednesday 15 June 2016

The fifth seminar in our series will take place in Birmingham, hosted by Aston Business School at the Bond in Digbeth. Digbeth is a fitting place to consider the subject of nostalgia, as it is Birmingham’s post-industrial urban regeneration zone between the Bullring and the future HS2 station. It’s many empty warehouses and buildings have become venues for clubs featuring Northern Soul Dancing Classes, the Digbeth Dining Club, and alternative shops at the Custard Factory. Nearby is Birmingham’s oldest pub, the Old Crown, dating back to 1368.

If you would like to attend, please register for free here and enter the code ABS1.

The preliminary program so far:

0930-1000      Arrival and Refreshments

1000-1015       Welcome and Introduction

1015-1130        Yiannis Gabriel (Bath): “Organizational Nostalgia”

1130-1145       Coffee/Tea

1145-1230       Constantine Sedikides (Southampton): “Organizational Nostalgia Increases Work Meaning: The Moderating Role of Burnout”

1230-1330       Italian Buffet Lunch

1330-1415       Agnes Delahaye (Lyon 2): “Usable pasts and the anxieties of nostalgia: colonization and historiography in New England”

1415-1500       Eva C Heesen (Hannover): “Nostalgia and Museums: Invaluable Tool or Curse?”

1500-1530       Coffee/Tea and cake

1530-1615       Marie MacLean (Bath) & Charles Harvey (Newcastle): “Nostalgia, metaphor and the subjective understanding of historic identity transition”

1615-1645      Discussion and Closing Remarks

1645-1830      Drinks reception

As an ESRC funded seminar, attendance is free. Please register here and enter the code ABS1. If you have any questions, please contact the organizers: Prof Stephanie Decker (s.decker[at] or Mr Adam Nix (nixaj[at]